X-Type and Y-Type allow working in minimum range. Due to the Y-Type abutment, it is possible to change the abutment’s position by 30°. There is an anatomical form at the GH level. In this way, in accordance with the natural structure of the gingiva, it is supported at a low level in the anterior region and at a higher level in the posterior region.
Multi Unit Abutment
Bone-Level İmplant, Platform Switch
It is used with the Multi Unit treatment concept for fully edentulous or partially edentulous bridge prosthesis solutions.
Ti Base Abutment
Bone-Level İmplant, Platform Switch
It is used for digital prosthetic solutions.
Digital Parts
Digital Transfer Coping for Intraoral and Laboratory
Transfer Coping
Helpful solution for prosthesis implementation
Customized and Overdenture prosthesis solutions on different drilling equipments.